My Internship Experience at BeachCandy

My Internship Experience at BeachCandy

After five months of interning at BeachCandy Swimwear, my short-lived internship experience slowly comes to an end. My first experience as a marketer with the internship has been both a comfortable and memorable work opportunity that I will undoubtedly appreciate. From general assignments to mini-detailed projects, I’ve had the pleasure of working in such a flexible, engaging, and enthusiastic work environment while at BeachCandy. 

My name is Hannah Eltounsy, and I held the position of a marketing and branding intern at BeachCandy Swimwear. As I worked for this small business, I had the opportunity of entering into the world of a first-hand internship experience with a position in the industry that I am passionate about. Setting down the foundations of marketing with BeachCandy has truly enabled me to understand how to reach the brand’s market in a natural and seamless way. 

As an undergraduate student, I seek beneficial experiences in a setting where I can place my acquired knowledge into practice. BeachCandy allowed me to do just that; during my time at this internship, I have accumulated various learning experiences that have helped me grow as a strong start to reaching my career ambitions. 

Illustrated graphic of three people sharing ideas.
Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

Internship Takeaways 

In preparation for adding a jumpstart to my future career, BeachCandy allowed me to learn marketing methodologies that would ultimately help me think critically and creatively. 

During my time at this internship, I have had the opportunity to gain experience in specific marketing tasks. These tasks consist of SEO product descriptions, blog writing, email marketing design campaigns, press releases, social media marketing, new homepage development, and more. Each of these assignments has shaped how I could utilize market-based writing through a specific lens on how BeachCandy wanted to be perceived. 

In addition to learning different marketing strategies, I have been able to shift my writing style to write effectively for the new change in the business, the brand’s new transition to sustainability. Before working for the brand, I was not knowledgeable about the idea of sustainability and what it does from a brand’s point of view. After doing research on sustainability for the brand, I have been accustomed to writing  with the scope of sustainability always in mind. 

Adaptability to the brand’s big transition has been something that I have been able to smoothly implement throughout the internship. I have written multiple educational series for our SEO product pages and blogs to really emphasize the expression of sustainability that the brand is proud to announce. I have been able to play a role in the brands’ change now that they’ve moved on to bigger and better things for the future which is the brand’s production and release of organic products for their new collection. 

Tiny female character changing career direction
Image by pch.vector on Freepik

BeachCandy’s Impact on My Future 

My time at BeachCandy Swimwear offered me a position that is authentic to the nature of the work responsibilities that I am looking to pursue. I have learned relevant aspects that can be applicable to the marketing world today. After this experience, I feel as though my work ethic transformed into consistent, versatile, and detailed-oriented attributes that can be utilized and further developed the more I work within this type of environment. 

As a business major, internships are the key to establishing good work experiences and relationships beyond college requirements. When I venture out to search for a full-time career of my own, I will have this learning experience as a base to work from that will help build my professional background for my sought future career. 

I want to give a warm thank you to BeachCandy Swimwear for giving me this intimate opportunity to contribute to the further development of the brand. I will truly embrace all of the learning experiences and strategies that I’ve gained from this internship. 

- Hannah Eltounsy

Follow BeachCandy Swimwear on Instagram

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