Holiday season is quickly approaching. It’s time to start thinking and planning what type of events you want to do for the holidays. Going on a trip, visiting family, or staying in with the pets. Make sure you’re planning out what you want to do now, because it's approaching quickly.

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What Are Some Things I Can Do For The Holidays?
Lots of people have different interpretations of what they think is a good holiday getaway. There are so many things a person can do during this time. Here are some ideas that you can take inspiration from for your upcoming holiday getaway
- Go on a Trip/Travel
Going on a trip during the holiday season is a great thing to do. Whether you’re going solo or with your family, it’s always an adventure and experience to come though it. You can meet new people, get to know different cities, cultures and traditions.
Taking a trip is definitely something you should consider for the holidays. Traveling is so much fun and getting to do it during the holidays makes it even better. Everyone should have a travel experience.
- Go Shopping
Shopping during the holiday season is a must. It could be shopping for holiday decorations, gifts, or just taking advantage of those Black Friday and retail sales. Start holiday shopping for a brand new wardrobe, the new year, or holiday gifts.
- Attend Cool Events
Don’t restrict yourself to only certain places. Expand your horizon. Got to hotel openings, luxury hotels, rooftop bars, Michelin Star restaurants, whatever you want to do. By going to these cool events you allow yourself to meet new people.
Also read: BeachCandy’s Holistic Hang Out Ideas
Where Can I Go For A Perfect Holiday Getaway?
Everyone has their own idea of their ideal getaway place. We at BeachCandy think you should go somewhere that makes you happy. Surround yourself in an environment where you know you’re thriving. Here are some places that are famously known for a great holiday getaway.

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- New York
You've surely seen how fantastic New York is during the holidays in movies, tv shows, even the news. It’s always a recommended spot that's highlighted and promoted to attend during the holiday season.
During this time there’s so much going on. There’s the Thanksgiving Day parade, the Rockefeller Light Show, the New Year's Eve ball drop in Times Square, and so much more. There’s always so much to do there. New York is definitely a hot spot that you can visit during that time of year.
- The Bahamas
Visiting the Bahamas during the holidays season is definitely for the summer lovers. If you want to have blue waters and sandy beaches then this is definitely the place for you during the holidays. While you’re there you can go to the beach, snorkeling, surfing and all other island activities you can think of.
- Colorado
If you’re trying to have the perfect winter holiday then Colorado is your place to visit. During this time of year Colorado is filled with snow and the many activities that come along with snowy weather. It’s fun and very aesthetic for the winter time.
In Colorado you can experience your own version of a classic holiday movie. Build a snowman, go snowboarding, and drink hot chocolate while roasting marshmallows. Colorado is the perfect destination spot to visit for holiday celebrations.

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How to Get Ready For A Holiday Getaway?
Actually being prepared for a holiday is always a long shot. It’s important to have a plan but also back up plans in case things don't go as expected. Here are some tips on how you can get ready for a holiday getaway.
- Have an Itinerary
Pre-planning what you’re going to do on a trip is always essential. Making sure you have things booked and busy is what makes the trip fun, but also allow yourself some wiggle room to accommodate any unplanned events or schedule conflicts.
The goal with traveling to a getaway is to, key word here, get away. To leave the stress of the real world behind and allow ourselves to relax. Yes, have a plan on what you want to do and go do it. But if you skip an event or two, just relax, don’t stress it.
- Create a Checklist for your Outfits
Obviously. we have the required items that we always need for a trip. It’s the other things like clothing, shoes, and knowing what to wear that we always struggle with. Our tip is to create a checklist based on the events and activities you will be attending.
Whatever the activity, bring comfortable clothes to enjoy it to the fullest. Avoid overpacking unnecessary items. Make sure you’re listing basic pieces on the top of the checklist. This way you’ll remember to have basic pieces that you can use in a multiple amount of ways.
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- Do Your Homework on Where You’re Going
You have to be prepared for where you’re visiting. We don’t mean just look up places to know what to wear. We mean do your homework and look at reviews and ratings that others have left about where you’re going.
It’s always best to refer to people's experiences when you're going somewhere new. Yes, it’s important to go in with an open mind because your experiences can be different. But there’s nothing wrong with checking if you’d even like the place before you spend your time there.
- Check for Events Happening During Your Visit
Look up events that are going on beforehand. If you’re looking up basic tourist activities then that's what you’ll get. But if you’re digging deeper and finding the small activities then it makes your experience there much more memorable.
- Don’t Forget the Travel Basics
Whether it's a car drive or a flight we’re catching, make sure you’re taking the basic necessities. A charger (for phone, camera, laptop, etc.), skincare, sunscreen, sunglasses, jackets/coats, snacks, and all other necessities. Make sure you have everything listed. You don’t want to be mid way into the destination and then remember you forgot your phone charger.
How To Make the Most Out of Your Holiday Getaway
There is no surefire way to make sure everything goes as planned when you’re on a getaway trip. Life is full of surprises, no matter where you are and what you have planned. Here are some tips you can use to guarantee you make the most out of your getaway regardless.
- Don’t Stress
When traveling there are a lot of stressors that can appear. Lots of people tend to question everything they’re doing. This causes a huge amount of stress on the person and kills the vibe.
Try to limit the stress you’re experiencing. Everyone knows their own stressors. Plan around them and get on with having fun.
- Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Don’t do things that are always in your routine, shake it up. If you’re doing things on vacation that you’re usually doing at home, then it’ll be repetitive and boring. The whole point of getting away is being able to try new things. You’re going to go back to your real life anyway, so live it up while you can.

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- Make Friends
Expand your horizon by meeting new people. Don’t just talk to those who you went with, talk to everyone. You never know who you can meet. Making friends is one of the best things you can do when on a trip.
Yes, be cautious of your surroundings. But keep an open mind and try not to limit yourself out of fear. If you make it a goal to acquire at least one new friend on your trip, it’ll definitely make your trip more memorable.
- Trust the Recommendations From the Locals
You should definitely do your research before going to the place, but you’ll get the best tips from the locals wherever you’re visiting. When you’re referring to websites for best places, the tips are usually from a tourist's narrative. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you could be missing out on the hidden and lowkey gems that the locals know about.
- Live in the Moment
This is the best tip we can recommend for you to have a great trip. Don’t get caught up in the struggles of life and just take in every sweet moment that you’re there. Have fun, meet new people, go on adventures. Just make the most of the time you have there and breathe it all in.
Written by Precious Castellanos.
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