Natural Fiber Underwear

Natural Fiber Underwear That You Should Wear

This is for the women who like to go commando and those who play it safe. A topic that most don’t discuss, but it’s time to bring it to light. We have been wearing underwear since the age of two, and even though some decided to leave it in the past, we have a proposition for you. Natural fiber underwear is here and is going to change the game for good. 

Shopping for underwear and finding the perfect pair can be an absolute nightmare. Some are too loose, some are too tight, some hug all the wrong places, and some are too colorful, it has become a dread trying to get new underwear. However, natural fiber underwear is here to solve all of those dilemmas with just the right amount of everything. 

Natural Fiber Underwear

Natural Fiber Underwear is Here Today

Our natural fiber underwear is made from an organic hemp cotton blend. This all-natural cotton has many more benefits than conventional cotton. We want to protect our private area and give her only the best. 

All organic cotton not only helps the environment around us but also fixes the challenges we all face with regular synthetic fabric underwear. Here are a couple of reasons why natural fiber underwear is better than the old regular underwear:

1. Breathable: Natural cotton and hemp are breathable, so we don’t have to face a hot and sweaty situation during the summer, which could lead to health issues caused by bacteria growth, such as yeast infections. Our natural fiber underwear is moisture-wicking to avoid humidity down under.

2. Comfortable: The all-natural cotton/hemp blend is soft on the skin and tends to be more comfortable than synthetic materials that can cause irritations or allergic reactions. The material is not too thick nor too thin; it is the perfect amount of support without feeling like a diaper.

3. Durability: All natural fabrics are durable and strong, so they last longer and withstand repeated wear and washings. This also means they will be in better condition for an extended amount of time.

4. Skin health: This is a special part of our body, and we need it to be in its best health. Certified organic cotton is more gentle on the skin, and does not contain harmful dyes, chemicals, or toxins that cause irritations and allergic reactions. This will maintain healthy and happy skin in the intimate area. Sensitive skin will love the gentleness of all natural cotton.

5. Temperature regulation: Natural fibers have a temperature-regulating property that can help you stay comfortable in both climates and keep your body at an optimal body temperature.

6. Odor: Since the fabric is breathable, it is less likely to retain odors like synthetic materials do. This will help you feel clean, fresh, and ready for whatever the day has planned for you.

Also read: Why Natural Fiber Fashion is Essential.

Natural fiber underwear has so many beneficial qualities for your body and health, and it is also an eco-friendly product. All-natural cotton is a safe and natural process that promotes good soil health, builds up surrounding ecosystems, and uses no harmful chemicals or toxins. 

It will make your home and your body happy. If we’re going to wear underwear every day, we mine as well wear one that is healthy for our body and promotes reproductive health. 

Organic Women's Underwear

Let’s Get Down to Girl Talk

The all-natural fiber also is great for traveling and working out. The worst thing ever is when you run out of clean underwear when you’re on a trip, and the last thing you want to do is go shopping for underwear in a foreign country. And, of course, there’s no washer and dryer in your hotel room.

Thankfully, the all-natural cotton underwear can be hand washed and then dries super fast. The breathable and light material helps the underwear dry quickly and will be good as new for the rest of your trip. 

Now, there’s another side of the topic we need to speak about. Sweaty underwear. We’ve all felt it, whether you just went on a run or yoga or Pilates or whatever your heart desires. The consequence of moving our body is getting sweaty and I mean sweaty everywhere, and one of the most uncomfortable things is sweaty underwear. 

The all-natural fiber underwear will change that around. The synthetic fibers hold in moisture and retain the sweat. However, the breathability and airiness of natural fiber will make you feel brand new even after a workout. For those who get UTI’s or yeast infections often or have a sensitive private area, this will be a game changer. The all-natural fiber underwear will be your new best friend.

Organic Panties

Change the World, Change your Underwear

Our all-natural hemp collection is for the betterment of you and your environment. We love these products and were so excited for you to love them too. There are not many sustainable underwear brands and organic underwear brands, so we are so thankful that we are able to share this with our BeachCandy family.

Help us be the change. Change the fast fashion industry, change unhealthy production practices, change toxic chemicals being a key additive into fashion, and change unethical factories. This is our goal, to make a change, and improve lives.

Shop our new Organics Collection!

Written by Olivia Barger.

Follow Along + Be the Change with BeachCandy

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