As women it is crucial for us to be in tune with our bodies. But with all that noise out there (media, social, daily responsibilities etc) it can be tough to tune in. And once we become mothers, we become master jugglers with very little left for us. As life sweeps by day after day, there are many ways to quiet the noise and tap in – the first step is awareness.
What is your very first move when you wake up in the morning?
Most of us clutch our cell phones to check calls, texts, email, social aka an abyss of noise. I challenge you to take those precious quiet early moments for you – to set the tone of your day. Lasting self love endures with awareness and a daily practice of tuning in.
At BeachCandy Swimwear, we have always believed in the power of women. A strong woman who loves herself and others is the most beautiful light in this world. And this precious gift, these fleeting moments around the sun, is ALL we have.
TIME is our most precious asset and how do we spend it?
What we consume, from food to water to media, will define your days, weeks, and life. So when you tune in, make sure to ask yourself, are you living the most aligned life for you. When the answer is no (trick question it’s no for most of us) this gives you an opportunity to recalibrate. Look at each move you make everyday and reflect on if what you are doing is the highest and best use of your time.
Shop Legendary BeachCandy Ranch Spring 2022 Collection
After years of never taking a break to even drink a full glass of water I learned the hard way. I was sick daily with symptoms that held me back from my most vibrant self… my most vibrant life. Running a business, in a relationship and juggling every day - never ever checking in with my body. Just full blast responsibilities, A+ student mentality, perfectionism at its finest, with not a drop of energy left for me every day.
That time I can never get back but lessons have been learned will fuel the future. And taking a moment each week to share holistic practices I’ve learned to heal my body and take back my life.
Of all the symptoms I had, there was one oh-so-silent killer, inflammation. Over the years of neglect I slowly gained weight and over the course of 12 years that weight turned into 30 lbs. It got to a point where my inflammation levels were so high that my body stiffened and I was unable to walk or bend any of my joints, even my fingers! This finally had me at a Hail Mary crossroads – I am a young woman and I no longer accept my body failing me.
This breakdown was a door into an entirely new universe to regain my power. So I utilized one of my strengths and became the most curious student of wellness. And what I found was jaw-dropping, over 90% of Americans are walking around with autoimmune issues. The toxins in our everyday foods are slowly killing each of us.
This scientific truth cannot be manufactured into anything else.
There is no secret pill or detox that can make up for the chemicals, toxins, and stress that we put our bodies through everyday. Every single thing out there is a gimmick to capitalize on our lack of wellness and wellbeing. This brutal reality is happening to all of our bodies whether we acknowledge it or not.
In fact, once I began to study labels at the grocery store I realized we are all in this together. I watch my body change daily like the tide of the ocean - swelling if I re-introduce any food, drink, or stress that my organs do not appreciate. And my own radical opinion is that we are not obese as a country but inflamed and dehydrated.

So here I am, in my mid-thirties coming out of over a decade of illness and poor self care with an 11 year old beautiful established business. Walking through this fire and out to the other side has ignited my next calling in this world. Caring for myself and others through holistic health practices so we can all find our highest frequency together.
So all that being said, I would like to get back to the main topic of this article and why it’s important. If you do decide to step into this lifestyle (not diet) it is important to find deeply satisfying foods that nourish you.
This takes some light meal prep of healthy alternative options for snacks and meals ready to go in your fridge. Sorry to break this next bit of news, but restaurant food is automatically your “cheat” because quality ingredients are their lowest priority.
For this week’s Wellness Wednesday, we wanted to introduce one of our favorite comfort food recipes that not only nourishes you but begins to detox your organs and heal your gut. It is essential to be more aware about the negative effects of eating foods that are not anti-inflammatory – especially fried or processed foods.
Why Do We Love This Swedish Meatballs Recipe?
Swedish meatballs are perfect when you still want the savory goodness of a creamy savory pasta that won’t leave your stomach on high alert. Not only does this recipe include cassava with health benefits including binding to toxins to flush them from organs, Vitamin C, collagen, antioxidants, fiber and even improves eyesight. But organic bone broth is the core elixir for gut health which fortifies the sauce, and the list of benefits goes on and on.
When eating you always want to ask yourself -- is this giving my body (you only get one) the fuel it needs to operate at its highest level?
Although the plate is induced with a rich and creamy sauce that looks and tastes like dairy, the sauce is actually dairy-free. The main ingredient of the gravy is organic coconut cream – eat as MUCH as you like, every bite is healing your insides. Never count another calorie again, you can eat freely when you are consuming plants and clean animal meats.
The trick is to abandon our entire “food culture” in America.
But is it really serving you anyway. Wouldn’t it feel nice to have maximum amounts of energy, no headaches, no skin rashes or acne, no bloat, no extra weight on your bones and tissue, supple skin, and thick hair. All of this will happen to your body if you provide it with the fuel it needs.
With the sauce consisting of coconut milk, you are adding other healthy attributes to your meal. Coconut contains a fatty acid that is healthy for your liver, helping combat fatty liver disease. Lauric acid, present inside coconut milk, helps lower blood sugar levels – leading to lower cholesterol.
Plus, coconut milk can help with nail and hair growth. Who knew such a sauce could be so beneficial to your beautiful body. Another main ingredient included in this recipe that provides your body with clean fuel is the 100% grass fed animal protein that supports your gut and overall health.
HEALING SWEDISH MEATBALLS RECIPE (grain-free + dairy-free)
Prep Time : 10 minutes
Cook Time : 30 minutes
Servings : 4
(notice organic mention below on each ingredient - this lifestyle is meant to clear toxins from your everyday life and it starts with little changes down to your spice collection)
- 1 pound 100% grass-fed ground beef
- 1 tsp of organic paprika
- 1 tsp of organic poultry seasoning
- 1 tsp of organic sage
- 1 tsp organic garlic powder
- 1 ½ tsp organic cinnamon
- 2 pinches of Himalayan sea salt
- ½ tsp of organic black pepper
- 1/4 cup organic yellow onion finely diced
- 1 tsp organic ground nutmeg
- 2 Tbsp of organic olive oil
- 1/4 cup cassava flour (only use Otto's brand - nothing compares)
- 1 box Jovial cassava noodles (local organic grocer or Amazon has it too)
- 1 can organic coconut cream
- 2 tbsp arrowroot powder (add additional tsp if gravy is too thin)
- 2 cups organic bone broth
- 1 organic lemon juiced & zested
- 1 tsp organic nutmeg
- 1 tsp organic cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp organic garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp Himalayan sea salt
- ½ tsp of organic black pepper
- 1/4 cup organic yellow onion finely diced
- 1 tsp organic ground nutmeg
- 2 Tbsp of organic olive oil
- 1/4 cup cassava flour (only use Otto's brand - nothing compares)
Kitchen Equipment Needed –
- Saucepan
- baking sheet
- Pot for noodles
First, you are going to need to preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Once you have the oven heated up and ready to go, move on to the meatballs.
Then, you will need to take all of the meatball ingredients and put them in a bowl. Mix all of the ingredients and scoop out the mixture onto a cookie sheet.
Now that your oven is all heated up, make sure to bake the meatballs for 25-30 minutes. In the meantime, you can boil the water for your pasta and begin your sauce.
Once the water is boiling with a pinch of sea salt, add the Jovial cassava noodles. This is an important step – set an alarm for the exact cook time on the box and stir every minute or two so the cassava pasta doesn't get gummy. Trust us, the pasta tastes so much better this way.
Now, you’re going to create the delicious sauce that will be poured on top. First, place all the ingredients except the arrowroot powder into a saucepan : the coconut milk, bone broth, lemon juice, nutmeg, garlic powder, and sea salt.
Heat all the ingredients in the saucepan on medium heat. Once it begins bubbling, add the arrowroot powder and whisk, whisk whisk to get the lumps out. This part can be a little bit of an arm workout, so you’ll want to continuously whisk the sauce until it appears creamy and smooth***
***Tip: If you notice that the sauce is too liquidy, you can add 1 tsp of more arrowroot powder to make it a little more thick.
We also suggest that if you'd like to add your favorite vegetable side to your meal preparations, we definitely recommend adding some broccoli in the oven when you bake your meatballs. Not only can eating more broccoli provide your body with more antioxidants, but it can also add more nutrition to your meal.
Read last week's wellness article on everyday holistic healing herbs to keep at home.
Did you enjoy this week’s Wellness for Women article?
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this, it is for you. From the beginning as a brand we have been here to support you in seeking your highest self. If you enjoyed this article please write a comment below, it would make our day to hear from you. We are not doctors but women tuning in to our most sacred source, our bodies.
Happy Wellness Wednesday beauties...
xx, Brit
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Love you! So proud of you and the decision to be on this Journey to heal, educate yourself, do the research and most of all, share that with others.
Quite the awesome woman you are!